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Why we created Mogi

Grant Grigorian

The idea for Mogi was born a couple of years ago when I was working with a B2B marketing team helping them make sense of all of the different marketing dashboards that we had built.

We've been so busy creating dashboards and collecting, organizing and visualizing data that it truly left little time for analysis and reflection. What did all of this data trying to tell us? What did it mean?

And it was really hard to make sense of it. Synthesizing all the information into a coherent actionable narrative to share with the executive team or the broader marketing team was very difficult and required an approach that was very different than what we used to actually create the dashboards.

So, here are the problems we're trying to solve:

  • There is too much data and not enough information/insights/recommendations. B2B marketers live in a multi-channel, multi-touch, dark funnel, data overload world. Making sense of all this data is expensive and takes a lot of time.

  • The data that we have is getting more technically sophisticated. as we deploy more and more machine learning and other data modeling techniques, the need for data interpretation grows even more. "What do these regression coefficients tell us about what we should change in our business strategy?"

  • The way that we communicate with data is too technical. As data analysts, we need to be aware that our audience is other people and not robots. We need better communication tools that help visualize and explain the data.

And that's how Mogi was born.

We asked: can we create a tool to help with data analysis and interpretation? Can we create a tool that will monitor our data, do some analysis, help explain data patterns and offer it's own insights and recommendations?

The answer of course is: yes, yes we can and we should :)

If we're successful, it'll mean that:

  • Marketing teams can react to data faster and change tactics/strategy faster and be more competitive in the market place by simply being able to analyze the data faster. And I mean 10X faster - so much much faster than it happens today!

  • Marketing teams can prevent the never-ending data requests between marketers and data analysts by being proactive with insights and recommendations that matter.

  • Marketing teams can communicate with better context and train new team members easier by showing and visualizing the data in a more human friendly way.

  • Marketing teams can use their expensive human data analysts for more sophisticated analysis ("why's and what it means") and leave more routine, maybe more low-level analysis to Mogi.

There is tremendous value still locked in in our ever increasing data sets, and any effort to make it easier to extract it will have great ROI.

What's the solution?

A big part of the solution has to be Data Stories and the art of story telling. Human beings resonate to stories and we should be striving to tell great data stories that motivate and inspire.

But how do we get started?

To be able to do data analysis, I think our mission breaks down into 3 levels:

  1. Describe what the data is doing, and say why it's good or bad.

  2. Explain why #1 is happening.

  3. Offer recommendations about what do, if anything about #1 and #2.

This is how we started with Mogi. It's able to collect data, describe a pattern and offer a light judgement:

  • Our lead conversion rates are declining. This is bad because our plan depends on them staying put.

  • This email performed well (high Open rate and Click rate), but this other email didn't (it had a high unsubscribe rate).

We've been experimenting with the "why" and "what we be done" insights as well, and getting interesting early results, but we need your help!

We need more examples of data and your perspective. We'd love to work with you!

Which types of data analysis is most interesting for you to solve for? What do you need help with the most?

We put together packages based on conversations with marketing teams:

If none of these specific packages resonate, then please consider the "Custom Data Stories" route and let's design a service custom for your team.

I'm so excited to be starting on this journey and can't wait to see how far we can take Mogi help everyone tell better data stories.


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